If you left home this morning with mismatched socks, you’re forgiven, because South African healthcare workers and the broader community done the exact same thing in support of mental health issues.

According to TimesLive, the #Socks4Docs initiative made its debut when Australian doctor, Geoff Toogood showed up to work with mismatched socks, and admitted that he was struggling with work-related stress and anxiety.

Doctor Toogood used this mix-up as a way to highlight the mental issues that healthcare professionals face on a daily basis.

The South African Depression and Anxiety (Sadag) also expressed that health care works have already been under immense stress and pressure before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. This initiative aims to encourage medical professionals and healthcare personnel to look after themselves and allows South Africans to show appreciation for the work that they do.

“South Africa’s healthcare workers have been the true heroes of the last year, remaining committed to providing constant care despite exhaustion, risk of infection, and possible transmission to family members,” says Paul Miller, CEO of Cipla South Africa.

“They’ve also experienced the loss of family, friends, and patients, with all of these factors impacting on their mental health and wellness.

“There are very real mental health issues that come with working in environments under such ongoing stress, and we need to let our healthcare superheroes know that it’s OK to ask for help, and to take time to invest in their own wellbeing,” he adds.

South African singer and actor, Emo Adams, along with Sadag and Cipla South Africa took to Twitter to show their support towards those suffering from mental health conditions:

Picture: Unsplash
