At one time or another, we’ve all looked back and thought, “I wish I had known better.” While we might not be able to rewrite history, we can certainly pass on batons of wisdom to others, especially young people.
Sometimes advice hits home so much more when it comes from a stranger. Perhaps it is because then the words come without judgment. No strings attached.
The humans of our city have proved to be an oasis of wisdom.
We asked the people of Cape Town what advice they would give to younger people or their younger selves. Here are some the nuggets of gold that emerged, from you, for you.
We asked:
“What advice do you have for younger people, or even your younger self, with what you know now?”
The answers:
“So much I can start a call centre.”
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.”
“Work hard, be kind to other beings, and more importantly to yourself. Stay grounded, and love!”
“It’s never as bad as you think it is.”
“The more you go through, the more you know you can handle, keep on fighting.”
“Always be yourself and never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”
“Take a gap year before you decide on your degree.”
“Don’t fall for the pressure of parents forcing you to study something you don’t feel 100%.”
“Make learning a priority.”
“You just need to pass the exam, no one will ever ask you by how much!”
“If you are a kid just focus on being one, to the fullest. Don’t try and be an adult so young,”
“You can’t love someone else until you love yourself.”
“It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Go [where] your gut tells you, it’s usually right.”
“Always do your research and make up your own mind. Trust yourself.”
“Stop worrying about what people will say.”
“Never try to be someone you are not.”
“Be patient and take each step as it comes. You need tools before you can fix the problem.”
“Surrender to life’s unfolding. What is meant to be will be, you don’t have to control everything.”
“Invest in property as early as you can!”
“Start saving for retirement from the very first job you have, even if that is still in school.”
“Listen to your Momma.”
“Watch Naruto in your 20s.”
Picture: Instagram @justvon09