South Africa’s first active electric bus was officially launched in Cape Town on Monday, July 5.

According to EWN, two fully electric buses were tested for several months to determine the viability of a carbon-neutral fleet.

From this month, these buses will be incorporated into Golden Arrow’s daily operations, carting passengers between Retreat and Cape Town.

The Western Cape Department of Transport said that it was working with Golden Arrow Bus Services on several technology solutions to improve public transport in the province, EWN adds.

“My department endorses innovation programs such as this one, given the challenges experienced by our commuters in the absence of the passenger rail system, the narrative around safety on Golden Arrow buses is very different. After taking a ride in the bus, I’m confident passengers will feel safe during the journey,” said Western Cape Transport MEC, Daylin Mitchell.

On the other hand, this is what Golden Arrow engineer, Gideon Neethling had to say regarding the testing phase:  “For the first few months, we tested the buses in a range of circumstances without passengers. The aim was to get to know exactly how these vehicles perform before incorporating them into our operations.

“Testing these vehicles has been a joy for everyone who is part of the project. Each time we carry out a new test or reach a new milestone, the level of excitement increases further,” Neethling added.

Picture: Western Cape Government / Twitter
