Sunday, 4 October 2015
Bellville, CBD

On Sunday 4th October 2015, the first ever Open Streets Bellville will take place; creating a car-free corridor for local residents and visitors to explore, play and experience their streets differently.

The Greater Tygerberg Partnership and Open Streets Cape Town have created a partnership to roll out an Open Streets Day in collaboration with local community groups. The programme aims to help connect different communities, encourage residents to use alternative modes of transport, support local businesses and expose people to healthy and creative ways of using streets as public space for recreation.

Inspired by Bogota’s Ciclovia (the largest national recreational programme in Colombia that turns 120km of streets into car-free space across the city every Sunday), the aim of Open Streets is to enable all citizens to use streets freely and safely. Hundreds of cities around the world have developed similar programmes and Cape Town is taking the lead in running a formal Open Streets programme on the African continent.

Bellville is the second largest transport hub in Cape Town; it is often referred to as an Afro-hub because of its cosmopolitan nature, and some call it ‘rock city’ because of the many bands that have emerged from the area. With its incredible diversity and ongoing transformation, Bellville has many stories and it will soon host Open Streets!


Where Bellville CBD (follow Facebook event for details)
When Sunday, 4 October, 9 am – noon
Cost Free
Contact +27 72 214 6736, [email protected],

Photography Courtesy


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