SA. MAST is an animal welfare organisation in the heart of Khayelitsha. The organisation is responsible for the mass sterilisation of cats and dogs in the area, having sterilised more than 9000 strays and pets to date.

SA. MAST is the brainchild of founder and director, Tamsin Nel, who knew she wanted to make a difference after cradling a dying, unwanted dog she later called Nameless. She then directed her attention to Khayelitsha – an area not only dealing with a lack of services but has an overpopulation epidemic of cats and dogs. This leads to a host of negative effects on the animals and surrounding community.

The procedures take place in shipping containers, where a team of mobile vets visit the area bi-weekly to conduct the sterilisations and care of the animals. Their objective is to achieve an 80 – 90 % sterilisation rate in the next two years. This, however, can only be done with varying levels of support and monetary contributions from the public.

Presently, SA. MAST have launched a crowdfunding campaign in their efforts to raise R500 000 to equip a newly-built animal hospital. A fully equipped hospital will go a long way toward the mass sterilisation of the 50 000- 100 000 cats and dogs living in Khayelitsha.

SA. MAST encourage and welcome all forms of support of the campaign as well as  donations to help them reach their goal. Click here for more information and here to donate.

Photography SA. MAST 


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