As we wave goodbye to summer, we can look forward to some of the most spectacular sunsets when autumn creeps in. I know a secret spot where you can relax and watch the sun go down from a stunning outdoor vantage point. The locals call it Sunset Rock.


It’s pretty easy to get there. Locate Ocean View Drive and follow the road through the well-to-do neighbourhood of Fresnaye. Cruise all the way to the end until you reach what appears to be a dead-end. You will pass many palatial houses that seem so fancy; you almost wonder whether you are even allowed to be there. Don’t worry, you are. Park in the small dead-end space, just outside from a stately fortress of a dwelling.


There is no clear path, but bundu bash on foot through the bushes and over the rocks. You will find yourself on a striking, flat granite boulder that stands proudly looking over Clifton and Camps Bay. You can park off right there or scout out the area and select a rock lower down.


Whichever site you choose, the unobstructed views are unparalleled at any time of the day. The sun sets on the Atlantic coast and makes a magnificent backdrop for a picnic and sundowners. Pack your beverages thoughtfully to avoid potential trouble and say cheers to the evening. It goes without saying that you should take your cigarette butts and other rubbish with you when you leave.


Please take note that it’s a residential area and that sound carries. While the boulders are large, it might be odd to share the same boulder with other picnickers, so the locals observe the rule ‘first come, first serve’. The area is secluded so it’s best to travel with friends. Enjoy!

Check out our blog post to find out about another top five spots five places to watch the sunset in Cape Town.

Where The end of Ocean View Drive, Fresnaye

Photography courtesy Janik Alheit and author

  • Mildred Solomons
    Mildred Solomons
    March 7, 2016 at 11:18 am

    Very nice! 😉

  • Tabassum Paleker
    Tabassum Paleker
    March 7, 2016 at 12:26 pm

    Azfaar Gaffoor it’s found U0001f602

  • Raiz Arieff
    Raiz Arieff
    March 7, 2016 at 6:14 pm

    well its not really a secret when you go mentioning it heyU0001f625

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