On Sunday, 15 May 2016, the FNB Cape Town 12 OneRun took place where over 13 000 runners united for the 12km race. This race was not only an adrenalin boosting, city seeing race for the KFM Breakfast team, this race was far more.

KFM Breakfast put together a team of men who ran the race in support of the safety of women and children. Lately the news doing the rounds has brought light to the violent crimes across the Cape and the KFM Breakfast team wanted to do something to show they care and to put together a team of men who shared in the same support.

KFM run

Host, Ryan O’Connor explained on the show, ‘We want to remember those who have lost their lives and have been victims of rape and abuse. This is one of the ways that as men, we can stand together and say enough is enough.’

Media personalities like City Vision Editor Vukile Sonandzi, Leave the Couch Blogger Fareed Behardien and Tygerburger Reporter Mogamat Noerdien Londt were part of the team who all wore pink armbands signifying their support for the fight against women and child abuse.


We hope that this team effort not only sparks the conversation about women and child abuse, but helps us as South Africans to embark on a journey of change in order to create a safer future.

Well done to the KFM Breakfast team and to FNB for such a successful Sunday.

Keep up the great work!



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