Today is no ordinary Monday. It is the day that we come together as a country to celebrate former president Nelson Mandela.

We all know the deal. On Mandela Day we spend 67 minutes or more (preferably more) doing something selfless, kind and helpful. Not only does this embody the legacy of Madiba during his years as our leader, it helps us lift up our community, strengthen our country and proves that we can do wonderful things when we work together.

Last week, we shared a number of things you could do today to show your support. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many drives, initiatives and campaigns you can join to do your bit. We decided to honour Madiba by joining Groupon and supporting Afrika Tikkun, a NGO that supports children from infancy to adulthood. We will be spending our 67 minutes with the children doing whatever we can to brighten their day.

To get you into the giving spirit, here are a few wonderful Mandela Day tweets:

Remember, it doesn’t take much to be kind. Have a wonderful Mandela Day!

Photography courtesy


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