We all love firsts. Nothing (and I mean nothing) beats the first time. Especially when it’s the first time up Table Mountain. It’s an experience to treasure, and of course, to share with the whole world. Because why not? We’re talking about one of South Africa’s most popular tourist attractions.


I’d always seen the Table Mountain Cableway from afar, looking fun-sized and cute. It was adorable and colourful, but tiny. At least, that was what it looked like from below.

I mean, even from the top of the Cape Town City Sightseeing Bus (also a first time experience for me), Table Mountain seemed impossible to conquer.


A little fear is good for the soul, right? Because I did feel my heart skip a beat (not from being in love, sorry). We gathered at the bottom of the cableway station waiting for our ride.

First, when I discovered that all hundred (I might be exaggerating) of us (my colleagues included) were getting in one cableway, I was surprised. I thought that the cableway carried a passenger capacity of five to 10 people. Again, I was wrong.


Secondly, when the cableway was on the way up, it was nothing special. The view was great. But the ride felt as normal as a car ride. When it stopped, however (oh my!), just for a second, I saw my life flash right before my eyes. And then hallelujah – I was at the top of Table Mountain.

The feeling is inexplicable. Every problem and all your worries float away.

Nothing brings me tranquility more than being surrounded by my favourite colour, blue. This is a colour that speaks peace and, above everything else, promotes both physical and mental relaxation.


If there’s one thing I love, it’s learning about different cultures and languages. Hearing tourists from all around the world speaking their languages was phenomenal.

The best thing about being up on Table Mountain is, of course, the view. When I inserted a R5 coin into the telescope to top off my experience, magic happened. I could actually see my workplace, trees, and cars moving on the roads, things impossible to see with the naked eye when you’re so far away.


The heat on Friday 26 August was unbearable. Thanks to the Wi-Fi Lounge on Table Mountain for saving me from thirst with a refreshing, cold Apple Juice. The lounge is nice and spacious, with comfortable couches. My team and I might have turned their balcony into our dance floor (haha).

I absolutely enjoyed the afternoon, living it up at the top with awesome jams and great conversation (because good company equals fun times).


Oh, and selfies? I have to admit, I might have taken over a hundred. What’s a trip without selfies and pictures in the 21st century? I’ll tell you what it is. It’s people saying things like, ‘Was she even on Table Mountain?’.

Well, I’ll just let the pictures and the video speak for themselves. Here goes:




Photography courtesy Asandiswa Msutu, Zainab Slemang

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