Rojaun De Vos is part of one of the coolest style teams in print. The Highbury Media (HM) Style Team are responsible for creating trendy, wonderful shoots that grace the pages of many top magazines. We caught up with Rojaun to see how Cape Town inspires him.

1 How does Cape Town influence your style and work?
Different cultures we exposed to. The huge hipster fad and the very relaxed atmosphere in Cape Town translate in a very chilled fashion sense and personality. The scenery allows for an amazing backdrop to everyone which inspires what we portray as our HM lifestyle.

Our dream team dressed in florals this #fashionfriday ? ? our food editor even made chocolate ?with edible flowers! #floral #denim #pastels #boomerang #dreamteam #style #fashion

A video posted by Highbury Media Style Team (@hmstyleteam) on

2 What do you love most about this city?

The one thing that I love about the mother city is the ability to endure a 8 to 5 corporate day and then head out at night and experience a completely different setting, whether relaxing at the beach or being out on the town.

3 If your friend was visiting Cape Town for the first time, where would you take them first?

Signal Hill for sure, watching the sun go down and experiencing the breathtaking views of the city from the top.

4 Describe the city in three words.

Beautiful. Vibey. Abundant

5 If you were to create a souvenir that represents Cape Town, what would it be or look like? 

A colourful ball as abstract representation of the many different facets of our city

6 What’s your favourite Cape catchphrase?


7 Three Capetonians we should be following online?

Aisha Baker

Lee Fraser

Style me Strauss

Photography Courtesy


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