Bree Street is without a doubt the hottest street in Cape Town’s CBD, featuring an incredible retinue of diverse and fun eateries. The latest one to join the ranks is La Tête, opened by Chef Patron Giles Edwards and his brother in November last year. After spending the past 10 years in London, cooking and learning, Chef Patron Giles brings his expertise to the Mother City.

1 You moved to Cape Town after 10 years in the UK. While your restaurant is more influenced by French cuisine, how does Cape Town influence or inspire your food?

The climate plays a big role in the food we eat and that’s a big change in the way I cook now compared to how I used to. The flavours are fresher, more delicate. I try and use more citrus and generally keep things on the lighter side.

2 What do you love most about this city?

Despitw being situated on the tip of Africa, Cape Town seems to have an amazing international feel to it. From the food scene to the beaches, you could be anywhere in the world.

3 If your friend was visiting Cape Town for the first time, where would you take them?

The Table at De Meye – I love this restaurant and what Luke [Shepherd] and Jess [Shepherd] are doing. It optimises everything that I enjoy in a meal. Great food and wine in a very natural setting. The food is fantastic and the couple’s passion for what they do is infectious.

4 Describe the city in three words.

Food, wine and sea.

5 If you were to create a souvenir that represents Cape Town, what would it be or look like?

It would probably be something consumable. Cape Town has so much to offer from fish and chips on the rocks to samoosas in the Bo-Kaap to five-star dining in the Winelands. There’s a feast waiting around every corner and if you could put all those experiences into a box, that would be the ultimate souvenir for me.

6 What’s your favourite Cape catchphrase?

Lolly to make you jolly!

7 Three Capetonian chefs we should be following online?

Cynthia and Cornel at Mulberry & Prince

Ivor Jones at Beau Constantia

Ash by Ash

Photography Claire Gunn, Le Tete


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