Did you ever stop to think about the milk that goes into your coffee? Wayne Oberholzer, two-time South African Barista Champion, states that on average, 60% of all beverages ordered in cafés are milk based. Coffee culture is such a big part of Cape Town and people are always interested in the beans, blends and roasting but never the milk.

For Wayne, being a barista and making the perfect cup of coffee is similar to making a cocktail, where every ingredient is essential to the process. For Wayne, no better farm supplies the best milk than Fair Cape Dairies, where the importance of animal, social and environmental welfare is a top priority.

First and foremost, the well-being of the cows is of the utmost importance. So much so that even yelling at the cows is a fineable offence. The farm makes use of a sophisticated electronic system that tracks every cow to ensure they are comfortable and healthy. Each cow is fitted with an electronic device on their ankle that is read when the cows go in for milking. This picks up the steps the cow has taken, its electric connectivity of the milk and the weight. If even the slightest thing is off in the readings, the cow is taken aside to be checked. The cows are also housed in great sheds kitted with fans to ensure they do not overheat. All of this contributes to a consistency that, for Wayne, makes Fair Cape’s the best milk to use, especially in a competitive environment.

Socially, Fair Cape hosts a range of events, such as mountain biking and hikes, the profits of which gets put into a trust to help a number of social initiatives. Fair Cape’s focus on the environment is also admirable and the farm tracks its carbon footprint and recycles water to keep the milking stations clean – something that is so important given our current drought and the need to save water in general.

From yoghurt and cereal to tea and coffee, we consume so much dairy in our daily lives. We should pay more attention to where that milk comes from, what’s in it and how the farms treat their animals. With Fair Cape Dairies, you can be assured you’re consuming pure goodness.

Photography Annzra Denita

1 Comment
  • Oliver Wetmore
    Oliver Wetmore
    February 8, 2017 at 9:40 pm

    Cows milk is fit for cows, not humans.

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