Our unfinished freeway on the foreshore has become somewhat of an iconic landmark in the city. A bridge with an abrupt end, the infamous freeway has seen a few tragedies over the years and now the City of Cape Town is taking steps to rethink this space.

For decades there have been rumours swirling as to why this bridge never got completed. Perhaps the most popular being that one of the engineers responsible had made a grave mistake in his calculations, but the truth is that construction came to a halt due to financial considerations.

Enter the Foreshore Freeway Precinct Project, a collective series of innovative ideas about moving forward with the freeway’s upgrade and development. Calls to the private sector last year from The City of Cape Town’s Transport and Urban Development Authority has now rewarded us with some interesting thoughts to reconnect the city to the foreshore. Here we have six great ideas – ironically none of them actually push for completion of the bridge!

Here is the collection of video proposals. They range from the introduction of an elevated green area, to the creation of a giant iconic ring to a public transport solution. Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comments section below.


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