Last Friday, word spread about a major storm that was due to touch down in Cape Town by Wednesday. How are the weather forecast predictions faring?

The rumours are true. As it stands on Monday morning at 8 am, there is still a major front building intensity in the South Atlantic Ocean – a deepening low pressure and cold front system that is dead-on-target to reach us by late tomorrow night. Weather prediction models have been consistent in their analysis of this system since last week.

We are still in-line for a good amount of rain and a strong possibility of snowfall in the high-altitude mountain areas in the central Western Cape.

Weather apps and prediction models are still forecasting at least 30mm to fall in central Cape Town, with this number likely to double in the mountain catchment areas – undoubtedly some respite for the water crisis but still not enough to alleviate the problem. Residents are still urged to adhere to level 4 water restrictions as implemented by the City of Cape Town.

It’s advised to stay off the roads when the storm hits, as near-gale force North-westerly winds are predicted along with heavy downpours. Large swells will be present off the coastline too.

Saturday evening’s passing shower saw some suburbs get close to 15mm rain over the course of a few hours.


Photography Unsplash


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