The City of Cape Town published a release late yesterday to give Capetonians an update about where things stand with regard to the ongoing drought crisis.

As of July 31st, dam levels stood collectively at 27,9% – effectively meaning that the usable level is at 17.9%. Today and tomorrow’s rain, expected to be around 15mm in the city and surrounds, will have little-to-no effect to increase the levels at major catchment dams such as Theewaterskloof and Steenbras.

Daily water usage in Cape Town has been tallied at 642 million liters per day – 142 million liters over the target set out by the City of 500 million liters per day. The target for individual water use has been set at 87 liters per person per day. Residents are advised to use the handy Water Calculator to keep track usage.

The image below shows us just how severe the current drought situation really is – from over 100% dam levels just three years ago, to under 30% in the middle of winter in 2017.

Cape Town drought crisis

The City of Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee Member for Informal Settlements, Water and Waste Services; and Energy, Councillor, Xanthea Limberg, said this week, ‘our rainfall thus far in July has been minimal – at most recorded points at least half to one-third less than our long-term July average. If we do not save now, we will run out of water,

Residents can contact the City via email to [email protected] for queries or to report contraventions of the water restrictions (evidence should be provided to assist the City’s enforcement efforts), or they can send an SMS to 31373.


Photography Courtesy


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