A government employee, who wished to remain anonymous, emailed popular radio station Cape Talk with a stern warning – and chilling prediction – about Day Zero.

“The intent is not to create panic, but to raise the level of awareness among the public to the highest degree, around the very real prospect of Day Zero”

‘Day Zero’ – the term used for the moment when Cape Town runs out of water – has been a particularly hot topic among Capetonians this year, with the Western Cape beginning to increasingly feel the effects of the ongoing drought. The Cape Town water crisis has been one of the major talking points of 2017, with many locals frustrated over the lack of planning and foresight on the government’s behalf to curb the situation.

However, the City of Cape Town has formally addressed these concerns, in an interview with us and by revealing the Water Resilience Plan last month, with would include desalination plants at various points around the Cape Town coastline. At the time of writing, Level 5 water restrictions are still in place.

“I repeat, the likelihood of Day Zero continues to increase”

Cape Talk anchor John Maytham received an email from a government employee, who highlighted the severity of the drought situation and the reality of ‘Day Zero – under a veil of anonymity.


Photography thefransiman


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