With over 26 million visitors later since being in operation since 1929, Table Mountain Aerial Cableway Company today celebrates its 88th birthday and the 20th anniversary of the current cable cars.

The original steel and wood cable cars have been upgraded three times, first in 1958, again in 1974 and most recently in 1997 when the round cars with revolving floors called “rotairs” were introduced.

Did you know?

– Cable cars can each transport up to 65 passengers

– More than 800 people can enjoy the trip (weather dependant) each hour

– The trip takes 4 to 5 minutes, having previously taken up to 10 minutes

– Similar cable cars are in use at Titlis in Switzerland and Palm Springs in the USA

– Weighing 18 tons and attached to counter weights weighing 134 tons each, the cables for the cable cars are 1.2km in length

– The cable car base is a water tank with a 3000l capacity. This provides fresh drinking water for visitors, and is used as ballast in windy conditions

Take advantage of the Cableways special discount vouchers this month to celebrate their birthday! Vouchers were printed in all community newspapers during the last week of September. It will be reprinted in all community newspapers the week of 9 October. Present the cut out voucher and you’ll be able to purchase an adult return ticker and a child return ticket for R150 during October 2017.

Photography Courtesy


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