The annual street spectacular, the Cape Town Carnival has announced it’s theme for next year’s event.

Mother City, Mother NatureĀ will celebrate the Western Cape’s beauty.

The carnival will showcase the diversity and magnificence of the Cape Floral Kingdom, as well as the colourful people.

“Cape Town is known globally as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, not only for its stunning natural treasures but also its warm and welcoming people,” the organisers said.

Those attending the carnival can expect large floats showcasing Mother Nature, along with stunning indigenous flowers of the region.

“The Cape Town Carnival celebrates our vibrant, dynamic city bringing people from all over Cape Town together and enhances our efforts of building an inclusive city. We’re proud to be part of an event that attracts visitors to our city and contributes to job creation and economic growth,” said Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille.

Creative director of the Cape Town Carnival, Brad Baard said, “Next year’s theme, Mother City, Mother Nature, emphasises the unique identity of Cape Town and its cultural diversity, plus what we create together: a welcoming, inclusive, creative city, consciously connected to nature and each other.”

Photography Facebook/Chris Hitchcock
Photography Facebook/Chris Hitchcock

The water crisis will be highlighted too.

“The Western Cape Government runs numerous awareness campaigns to address the server drought and the Mother City, Mother Nature theme ties in perfectly with this, highlighting our dependence on nature,” said Premier Helen Zille.

Last year’s Carnival saw more than 45 000 spectators from across the Cape, South Africa and the world attending the grand event.

“The Cape Town Carnival creates jobs, brings people together and entertains in a heartfelt manner,” said Carnival CEO Jay Douwes.


Photography Facebook, Chris Hitchcock


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