For the first time in Parliament, a private member’s bill was passed. Proposed by ACDP MP Cheryllyn Dudley, The Labour Laws Amendment Bill aims to give fathers longer paternity leave. Currently, fathers are only allowed three days of leave after their child is born.

“Fathers play an important role in the upbringing of their children. Having done some research on this issue, the ACDP is of the opinion that such a provision would facilitate early bonding between fathers and their children and that stronger and healthier families would be one of the many potential benefits for society as a whole,” read a statement released by the African Christian Democratic Party.

Currently, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act stipulates that female employees may take four months maternity leave in respect of that employee’s child. This period of leave is paid for by the Unemployment Insurance Fund. Meanwhile, an employee who is the father of the child may take three days family responsibility/paternity leave when that employee’s child is born – this family responsibility leave is paid for by the employer.

The proposed amendment, put forward by the ACDP, is that fathers would get 10 days leave, and adopting parents would be eligible for 10 weeks leave.


Photography Unsplash


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