As summer rolls in, we take a look at how Cape Town dams are faring for the upcoming week.

A decrease of 1% was recorded since last week. The minimal rainfall Cape Town experienced on Sunday morning did not help to stabilise levels this time around. This effectively means that dam levels across the board stand at 25.1% – as the bottom 10% is deemed to be unusable.

Cape Town dam levels December 2017


Water consumption is still below target. The latest figures show that daily usage last week amounted to 611-million liters – a whopping 111-million liters away from the desired target of 500-million liters as set out by the City.

Residents are advised to adhere to level 5b water restrictions and only use water for essential purposes. Read about the upcoming water levy which will be in effect from February 2018. As things stand, Day Zero is expected to arrive in May.


Photography Unsplash


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