Digitata Insights, a specialist mobile and digital marketing enabler, has partnered with Laundry brand Sunlight on a water saving awareness campaign that will result in the delivery of 120 000 litres of potable water to dought stricken Western Cape.

The cellphone driven campaign, Sunlight Smart Water Savers is based on the re-engineering of the popular Sunlight hand washing powder. This includes a ‘smart’ foam that reduces rinse water usage by half.

The water savings made will directly benefit consumers living in remote or under-served areas, by cutting down on the time and effort involved in fetching water for domestic purposes.

Laundry South Africa Director at Unilever, Jane Fenner, said “many South Africans have water limitations when it comes to domestic use. With laundry continuing to be an essential household chore, South Africans are now aware that they do not need to use as much water in the hand wash process. They are thinking about how they can save water and re-use water when they do laundry.”

The campaign is also designed to educate consumers with games. The game can be downloaded on both feature and smart phones. Using six top tips for easy domestic water saving, players move through a number of levels to earn points that can be converted into airtime

As users progress through the game, they collect virtual buckets of water. The mobile advertising technology platform will automatically provide Unilever with accurate reports on the number of buckets collected. Unilever will then match the litres represented by the buckets with an equivalent amount of actual water delivered to Western Cape communities.

Fenners said that Sunlight is aware that water saving is not just the government’s responsibility.

“As a responsible corporate citizen, Sunlight introduced its Smart Foam Technology and now the Sunlight Smart Water Savers game to encourage South Africa to save water. The process proves that it is possible to quickly and affordably mount public service and public education campaigns that can change society fundamentally – and measure their effects precisely. That’s a game changer in social transformation.”

Players can play the free Water Savers Game on Vodacom and MTN on their mobile phones in one of 5 languages. There are no data or any other cost at all for the subscriber – totally free on USSD.


Dial: *117*4863#


Dial: *136*777#

Smart Game Engagement:

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Photography Unsplash


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