Convicted murderer and former Paralympic champion, Oscar Pistorius, has been injured in a prison fight. The brawl was over the use of a public phone, according to an official.

Pistorius is currently serving a 13 year jail term for the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

According to the Department of Correctional Services, he was left with a bruise after “an altercation with another inmate over the use of a public phone” on 6 December.

“Oscar Pistorius sustained a bruise following an alleged incident with another inmate over the use of a public phone in the special care unit where both offenders are detained at the Attridge Correctional Centre,” said spokesperson, Singabakho Nxumalo.

The former Paralympic sprinter was moved to the prison north of Pretoria in November 2016. The facility caters for inmates with physical disabilities in.

The altercation comes right after the Supreme Court of Appeal more than doubled his original sentence of six years in November 2017, after the state argued it was disproportionately lenient.

According to Nxumalo, an official investigation has been launched into the incident.

Media has speculated that the fight started due to other prisoners being angered by Pistorious’s long telephone conversation, resulting in a fight.

Photography REUTERS


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