A few local bars and eateries in the Western Cape are experiencing a shortage of Hunter’s Draught due to the severe water crisis.

Manufacturers Distell last week confirmed that the drought has indeed caused a shortage of draught.

Dennis Matsane, Distell spokesperson, said the water crisis the Western Cape has forced them to suspend bottling on the keg line, due to significant water pressure reduction as well as the need to reduce water consumption.

This could cause huge implications on their financial year but Matsane said at this point their focus was to keep supply interruptions to a minimum.

Some bar owners in the city said they had not been stocking the brand of draught beer for over a month and that is has caused issues since it is a favourite among patrons. They were hoping that stocks will be replenished soon.

The drought remains the City’s most pertinent issue, with dam levels reducing weekly and no rain forecast until the next rainy season.

Last week, Cape Town Mayor Patricia De Lille said Day Zero has been moved two days forward due to increased water wastage and decreasing dam levels.

Visitors to the Cape Town have been urged to not waste water and be aware of the crisis.


Picture: Pixabay


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