This year’s Cape Town Cycle Tour will go ahead in March as planned, despite rumours of it being postponed or cancelled because of the severe drought in the Western Cape, race organisers said.

The province is facing one of the most critical water shortages in its history, but organisers are confident the race will go ahead, and in fact, will have little impact on Cape Town’s water supply.

Cape Town Cycle Tour Director David Bellairs said in a statement: “Rumours that the 2018 Cape Town Cycle Tour has been postponed or cancelled as a result of the severe water shortages in the Western Cape, are unfounded and not true. The Cape Town Cycle Tour Management Team has been working tirelessly over the last year, looking at ways to ensure this iconic event can take place.”

Bellairs said a comprehensive plan is in place with all suppliers and service providers to reduce reliance on the municipal water supply to as close to 0% as possible. “We believe this is achievable and are making every effort to meet this goal,” he said.

In order to achieve this, race organisers have committed to:

  • The use of grey water
  • The use of desalinated water
  • Spring water brought in from outside the City of Cape Town
  • Chemical toilets and hand sanitisers
  • No shower facilities will be provided

“The cost of the water strategy will mean that the Cape Town Cycle Tour’s contribution to charity will possibly be slightly less in 2018,” said Bellairs. “But we feel strongly that the event must go ahead, as many of these charities rely on this income for their projects, not to mention the significant positive economic impact the Cycle Tour has for the city and the province.”

The Cape Town Cycle Tour #40take2 will be staged on Sunday, 11 March 2018, with a new start at the Grand Parade Precinct.

For any event queries or assistance with entries, contact the Cycle Tour Events Office during office hours on 087 820 7223 or visit


Picture: Supllied


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