Not only does an ice cold Coca-Cola (Coke) ‘hit the spot’ on a hot summer’s day, but it can also be useful around the house on any other day.

The carbonated drink was originally intended as a patent medicine. Coca-Cola, refers to the two original ingredients, kola nuts (a source of caffeine) and coca leaves. Today, Coca-Cola’s formula remains a trade secret, even though several recipes and experimental recreations have been published.

The phosphoric acid in a can of Coke means that with an overnight soak you can remove rust from metal  or stains with ease. Its acidity is way less than stomach acid and a lemon, meaning Coke won’t have the same effect on your tummy as it has on removing stains.

Here’s how coke can help you around the house.

Make old jewelry look brand new

For those holding on to those sentimental pieces of gold jewelery, you can get them to look shiny and new in an instant. Soak the jewelery in a bit of  coke overnight and give them a light wash under warm soapy water in the morning. Now you can start wearing them again, and proudly tell anyone that asks the story of getting them clean.

Get rid of blood stains

Any mom, or dad, (whoever does the washing) will tell you blood stains are difficult to get rid of. The next time you bleed onto your favorite shirt don’t throw it away, try this nifty trick. Dab a small amount of Coke together with your regular laundry detergent and soak them for a few minutes. Give your clothes a good scrub, especially where it’s stained and it should be gone.

Make fertilizer

If you have ‘green-fingers’ and love spending time in your garden, Coke can help you start the processes of compiling a compost bin.

Pour a bit of cool drink into your compost bin to help speed up the natural process. More micro-organisms will be present due to the sugar levels in the drink. The acid in the popular beverage will also break down the organic constituents that will eventually become compost a lot faster.

Clean your spectacles

Glasses have constant grease smudges and dirt, cleaning it with a random piece of cloth can leave them even more smudged. Just grab a soft piece of cloth or tissue, dab a bit of Coke onto it and give your glasses a good wipe and you’ll give yourself the gift of crystal clear vision.

Stop itching caused by mosquitoes

Itching from mosquito bites can drive a person crazy. If you’ve ever fallen a victim to these blood suckers, we have a solution for you. No more bruising your skin. Dab some Coke on a tissue or cotton pad and rub it over the itchy bite, you’ll be surprised how quickly the itchy feeling goes away.

Keep flowers fresher for longer

Add a little bit of Coke to the water you store the flowers in and voila! Try it out the next time you have fresh flowers in your home and you’ll be able to enjoy the freshness and beauty of natural flowers for a longer time. Make sure not to add too much though, about ¼ cup of Coke to 1 cup of water should be perfect.

The next time you have a flat bottle of  cola, don’t throw it away, instead try some of these cool tricks

Pictures: Pixabay and Facebook


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