Easter is on the horizon and we all know what that means – luscious, creamy, chocolaty goodness. Yes, we’re talking about chocolate eggs, Easter eggs, candy-coated eggs and whatnot.

Weight watchers yearning for a taste tend to torture themselves into abstinence because this gorgeous, dark brown sensation has been labelled “bad” by many health pundits.

However, WebMd points out that chocolate is not necessarily bad for you as it has some health benefits.

First of all, milk, white and semi-sweet chocolate is out, and dark is in. Dark chocolate is the healthier option as it contains less sugar, saturated fats and more flavonoids and cocoa.

What are flavonoids you ask? They are phytochemicals found in the cocoa bean and are where all the health benefits of chocolate come from.

If you have high blood pressure, chocolate is your friend. Chocolate also lowers bad cholesterol (LDL), improves blood sugar, lengthens blood flow to the brain and lessens diabetes risk.

Dark chocolate is also high in cocoa which helps with diarrhoea, bronchitis, asthma and various other infectious intestinal diseases.

However, WebMD adds that while chocolate is good for you, over-indulgence is a no-no because of the sugar and fat content.

Too much chocolate may undo the health benefits and instead cause weight-gain and other health issues.

Moderation is the key and if you have that, then tucking into silky, smooth and decadent chocolate shouldn’t be a guilt trip.

Picture: Pixabay





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