As preparations for Day Zero continue, a Mitchell’s Plain resident has developed an application which will provide accurate information related to the water crisis.

Carl Marks, founder of Marks397 Solution, is developing an application called CT Drought Info, which will update users on any new information concerning Day Zero or water development news in real time.

According to Marks, the idea came about after the City of Cape Town began informing residents about water collection points in and around Cape Town a few months ago. He realised the public might not have immediate access to any new information concerning the drought at their fingertips at all times of the day, and wanted to help make a difference.

The App is still in development stages, but once completed will work automatically to source information from numerous avenues for daily updates. The sources used will only be credible one, and Marks hopes to partner with media companies and organisations to further his reach.

His desire to develop this application has little to do with financial gain and everything to do with empowering people by arming them with knowledge. He also wished for his app to reach a broad audience, including school-going children, in order to help them learn how to conserve water.

The CT Drought iNfo app will be made available on Google Playstore, as well as iStore as soon as it reaches completion.

For more information, contact [email protected]


Picture: Pixabay


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