Sunday 18 January, 9 am – 2 pm
Bree Street, Cape Town
Open Streets is a citizen-driven concept that connects communities through healthy recreation, creative expression, local economic activity and alternative forms of transport.
Bree Street will be car-free this Sunday as Open Streets takes to the bustling inner city. During the event, the street will be open for thousands of people to walk, cycle, skate and connect while enjoying the space in whatever (legal) way they like.
Confirmed activities include a bike bus organised by Bicycle Cape Town, a skating obstacle course by Africa Skate and other skating activities by the National Skate Collective; a kiddie’s corner by Elemental Kids and a wide array of spontaneous urban interventions by 100in1 Day Cape Town.
Where Bree Street, CBD
When 18 January 2015
Cost Free
Contact [email protected],
Gotta love Capetown !