The Kilauea volcano first erupted on 3 May 2018, and has been sending a streaming flow of lava into residential areas of Hawaii’s Big Island since. Kilauea has burned 40 structures, including two dozen homes. Approximately 2 000 people have evacuated their homes, including 300 who were staying in shelters.

Authorities have ordered residents in Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens to take shelter in local community centers. Volcanic vents, or fissures, have cracked the ground across the area open gobbling up dozens of homes and vehicles.

The eruption came after hundreds of earthquakes hit the island’s eastern side. Since Kilauea’s massive eruption on 3 May, more than 2 000 quakes have struck on and around the Big Island.

On Sunday, authorities warned the public to stay away from a toxic cloud that formed by a chemical reaction when the burning hot lava touched sweater. White plumes of acid and very fine shards of glass has billowed into the sky over Hawaii.

The volcano’s eruption has not caused any deaths.




Las nuevas #erupciones presentadas en #Hawái han amenazado una planta #geotérmica que proporciona energía eléctrica a un cuarto de la isla. . . Autoridades de Defensa Civil, desplegados en la zona mantienen una evaluación constante de la situación debido a que se podría producir la liberación de #sulfuro de hidrógeno, un #gas venenoso para los seres humanos. . . El Observatorio de #Volcanes de Hawái informó que se mantiene monitoreando la zona y que no ha cesado la actividad desde hace tres semanas. . . El volcán #Kilauea entró en erupción por primera vez el 3 de mayo, luego de registrarse en la zona un #terremoto de magnitud 5.0. . . #volcano #DesastreNatural #Naturaleza #Desplazados #MadreTierra #Geológico #hawaiivolcano #hidrogeno #veneno #erupción #hawaii #Pacific #geology #news . . (Foto: Reuters)

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