Local Instagram guru, traveler and adventurer Chad Nathan has raised over R32 000 for a man he met studying under the light of a street lamp near his home with the help of his Instagram community.

Chad came across Luthando studying under the light of a street lamp near his home one evening, for an exam he had to write the next day. Luthando told Chad that the reason he studied there is because it is quieter and safer than studying at his home in the townships. Luthando had been studying at this spot for two months when he and Chad crossed paths.

Luthando told Nathan that he is studying tourism and dreams of one day showing people around South Africa.

Chad was touched by Luthando’s dedication and drive, and put out an Instagram story about Luthando, which received an immediate and overwhelming response from those who had viewed it. People wanted to help Luthando, as his story made them realize just how grateful they should be for the blessings in their own lives.

Luthando was in need of better shoes, toothpaste and dreamed of having enough funds to pay for his national diploma in tourism.

Within a week, the people touched by Luthano’s story, together with Nathan, managed to raise over R32 000 towards his cause and could supply him with new shoes and other necessities he simply couldn’t afford before.

This story is a true testament to the power of people standing together and caring about one another, as well as how easy it is for you to make a difference to help someone less fortunate.

Nathan tells us that Luthando is currently looking for a place to intern or someone in the tourism industry to shadow and learn from. If you know anyone who can help with this please follow the link below or get in touch with Nathan on Instagram.

Help Luthando & Friends.

Nathan’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/gingerwithagopro

Pictures & Video: Chad Nathan, Aka GingerWithAGoPro


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