Cape Town speed cameras will now be 100% visible to motorists, serving as a deterrent to speedsters rather than a trap. The decision came after the City of Cape Town released a traffic and speed camera report detailing the need to create more awareness to motorists.

For many years fines for speeding in the Cape have served a monetary purpose. Officers with cameras often hide behind trees or objects, away from the from the view of drivers to guarantee a fine rather than discourage speeding.

The report suggested that instead of this method, officers enforcing speed limits should be placed in plain view to do their job of ensuring speed limits are adhered to, rather than discouraging drivers with fines.

The report will be heard before council at the end of July 2018.

JP Smith, mayoral committee member for safety, security and social services, told IOL that the committee has gone with the more visible route.

“We will now be doing operations where it is visible to people. The recording of motorists in traffic vehicles or hidden away has stopped. On the issue of fines, we need to look at the justice system, because the fines we issue don’t help the situation. We are getting more people to ensure that fines are paid, but there are repeat-offenders,” he said.

The new regulations suggest that a warning sign should be placed no more than 1km from the stationed area, in the direction being enforced.

New regulations also state that cameras, including mobile units, must be visible to approaching and departing motorists.

Fixed cameras must also be painted in bright yellow, with reflective sheeting.

Sixteen comments were received by the City, 12 of which referred to concerns other than the new policy.



Picture: Pixabay


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