At this Masterclass, Life Church leader, Paul Scanlon will show you how to build your confidence and silence the internal chatter that often undermines us. Taking you behinds the scene and into the minds of great communicators so that you will be encouraged to identify many of the same traits in you.

You will be guided to your unique voice and your unique why, both of which are vital in finding your audience and followers.

Dive deeper into the skill and technique behind good communication and learn to harness your given gifts to elevate yourself to a better place through exceptional communication skills.

The Communication Masterclass is a one day six part training event aimed at all whose work, vocation or lifestyle requires them to present their ideas through public speaking.

Who is the Communication Masterclass for?
It is for a wide range of people, anyone desiring to give voice to their ideas, vision, concept, complaint or cause.
The Communication Masterclass is for any who feel they have something to say whether expressed verbally or artistically, through dance, music, media, photography etc. Whoever your audience is they deserve great communication be it speaking, blogging or other social media expressions.


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