Your home is probably your most important and valuable asset. Tied up in those those bricks and mortar are not just countless hours of time, dedication and fond memories, but also your biggest financial investment. The question is what else can you do to boost the value of your property?

Remax property guru David Spence has great advice for property owners looking to sell their homes.

“Even if you are not currently looking to sell your home, it’s important to keep your living sanctuary fresh and appealing. Your property is likely to have been one of your biggest investments to date, so don’t let its value begin to fade with age,” says Spence.

David’s insightful tips will help position your home as a desired and sought after commodity.

1. Show off your best side

Many homeowners spend the bulk of their time focussing on interior design while neglecting the outside. Kerb appeal should not be underestimated, as most buyers gain a pre-conceived idea of a property’s interior by the first impression they got from the street. Due care and attention to the facade of your property is important, particularly as it is your first opportunity to represent your home’s value.

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression so ensure it is invaluable and long-lasting, with the outside of your home looking the part,” advises Spence.

“Depending on the surface materials, be sure to keep walls and edges clean and repainted every few years. Keep tabs on any wear and tear on windows and doors and fix as necessary to keep things pristine while avoiding expensive replacement costs further down the line.”

If you are looking to go big, Spence suggests replacing timber frames with aluminium and PVC. Bringing in a contractor to pressure hose your roof every couple of years will also keep it looking immaculate.

2. Prim, proper, neat and tidy

Staying on the outside, make sure your garden does not resemble an overgrown jungle. Regular upkeep and maintenance is imperative to give your home a visual edge, while also exemplifying a serene natural environment.

“We’re not all blessed with green fingers, so it pays to keep things simple. Neat, tidy verges, clean lines and an inviting, minimalist landscape always looks good. If mowing a lawn every Saturday is not your idea of fun, try Astroturf. It has become an increasingly popular option among homeowners, because of its low maintenance and climate resistance,” Spence points out.

He further advises that expertly resurfaced driveways and refined, clearly defined pathways to your front door are a homely indicator of welcome and hospitality.

3. Eco-friendly installations

In a country prone to power cuts and, more recently, water shortages, utility conservation is a worthy investment that can help increase the value and desirability of your home.

Spence comments, “Initial investments in solar power, greywater systems and boreholes are certainly costly, but over time they will begin to pay for themselves. Make sure to enlist reputable professionals when assessing how best to convert your home into an environmentally-friendly dwelling.”

The popularity of eco-friendly homes has grown rapidly over the past 10 years, so get going and go green.

4. Kitchens and bathrooms are most important

“Kitchens and bathrooms are crucial selling points for any home, so it’s vital to capitalise on this and make them look their best,” Spence comments, adding that the perception of cleanliness is a must in these rooms.

If you are prepared to budget for a partial or complete makeover of any specific rooms, then these should be the ones to consider.

“It’s easy to increase value by upgrading, rather than rebuilding. Items such as lights, taps and sinks can be quickly and effectively replaced with minimum disruption and cost,” Spence continues.

“To keep your budget in check, avoid using customised or limited-edition items and finishes as they tend to be much more expensive. The majority of off-the-shelf products come in standardised sizes and exist on a sliding scale of affordability.”

For those on a bigger budget, Spence suggests focussing on replacing dated-looking fixtures, such as baths, showers and toilets in the bathroom and countertops and fixed cupboards in your kitchen for some fresh finesse.

5. Security is key

Keeping your home visibly secure not only protects its valuables inside, but also promotes its worth. Spence argues that preserving your investment with a reliable security system is paramount for day-to-day safety and the peace of mind of yourself and your neighbours.

“Innovations coupled with smartphone technology have made security systems increasingly accessible and affordable. Locks, alarms and security cameras can all be controlled easily and securely through the swipe of a screen or click of a button.”

Carefully positioned solar lighting can also double up as motion sensor security lights, that will keep your property visible, while also providing some illuminated flair.

Picture: Pixabay


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