The GrandWest Casino and Entertainment World hits the jackpot with the implementation of an R18-million water treatment plan. The plan has allowed the entertainment world to be independent of municipal water for human use.

The water plant successfully producers 10 million litres of drinking water each month through the filtration of four boreholes.

Although the water treatment plan may have cost R18-million, the GrandWest believes that they will recoup these funds through water saving costs in 30 months.

The GrandWest development has enabled the centre to save on water costs as explained by Suns International’s GrandWest engineer Johan Gelderblom to TimesLIVE: “The new system allows us to produce water at the rate of R9.20 per kilo litre. Currently‚ on the city’s municipal pricing‚ it would cost us R50 per kilo litre. So we end up spending a fifth of what we would have before we set up this treatment plant.”

The system was implemented over a 12 month period and increasing water restrictions prompted Gelderbloom and managers of GrandWest to seek out alternative solutions.

The system utilises reverse osmosis methods, ultra-violet lights and advanced filtration to restore the water to safe usage levels.

The GrandWest still relies on municipal water for the irrigation of its gardens but the 400 000 litre supplies water for human use across the property.

Although the GrandWest has a surplus in clean water, water restrictions are still being maintained in an effort to save water.

“Now that we have our own water it doesn’t mean we’re irresponsible. We still have the same water restrictions in place‚” said Gelderblom.

The innovation behind this water purification proves as a steady movement towards using more sustainable water treatment plants to alleviate pressures from the ongoing water crisis.

Picture: Twitter


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