South Africa has lost a giant in the field of cardiology after Bongani Mayosi, professor and dean of the Faculty of Health Science at the University of Cape Town (UCT), passed away on 27 July 2018.

Mayosi, who was 51 years old, took his own life after a lengthy battle with depression.

“In the last two years he has battled with depression and on that day took the desperate decision to end his life,” a statement released by UCT read.

Family spokesperson Ncumisa Mayosi confirmed the above statement and, when speaking to TimesLIVE, said that Mayosi’s funeral would take place in Cape Town.

“Bongani’s funeral will be held in Cape Town on 4 August 2018. We will communicate further details of the funeral in due course.”

The family wishes to be respected in their time of mourning and is grateful for the support and kind messages they have been inundated with.

Moyasi was commended and recognized in South Africa for his achievements and innovation in cardiology.

“He will be remembered for his scientific rigor and his dedication to improving public health,” said Vice-Chancellor of UCT, Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng.

Mayosi entered  the field of cardiology after a family member passed away from heart failure.

He was a leader in the filed of cardiology after  he discovered a new gene that is a major cause for this disorder in 2017.

In the same year, he was a recipient US National Academy of Medicine, the highest honor in the field of health and medicine.

The award is only given to individuals who show a outstanding professional achievement and commitment to the filed of medicine.

Mayosi wanted to save lives and was willing to go to many lengths to do so. The inspiration to help others came from his father, who is also a doctor.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has also extended his condolences to the Myosi family.

“On behalf of government and South Africans as a whole‚ we convey our most heartfelt condolences to his family‚ friends and relatives‚ and the health science fraternity. May his soul rest in peace,” he said.

Picture: Twitter


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