As human beings, our bodies and inner landscape are designed to be in tune with the cycles of Nature, the changing patterns of the seasons.

As without, so within – each of our organs, their meridians and therefore the fascial lines associated with these meridians are in constant relationship to both our inner and outer worlds.

Welcoming in Winter and appropriately for Cape Town, the element of Water, this fun course will explore what it means to connect to the essence of Winter/Water.

A time of turning inwards, of contemplation, of returning to our essence. In Winter the sap of a plant returns to the roots, storing vital energy in the depths, likewise, we are invited to nourish and replenish our vitality, and our roots.

The course will explore the Water element (Kidney & Bladder Meridians) – the foundation of our being – physically, mentally and emotionally. Each hatha yoga posture will intentionally access these meridian pathways – bringing awareness and attention to our essence, our relationship toTrust & Fear and the Nervous, Hormonal, Reproductive, Urinary & Brain function systems of the body.

Open to all levels of practice from beginners through to experienced yogi’s & yoga teachers, wanting to take either their personal and/or teaching practices to the next level.

Email [email protected] to book


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