CBM South Africa, a branch of the world’s biggest disability charity, has teamed up with the Cape Town Youth Choir to raise awareness for the organisation and the work it does through a live concert this October 6.

In this concert – part of which will be in complete darkness – the choir under the direction of Leon Starker will perform a range of pieces which vary in timbre, vocal colour and texture.

The programme is entitled “Into the Light” and it contains works by well-known and lesser known composers.

“There is something quite profound about experiencing a concert in complete darkness,” says Melanie Jackson, CBM fundraiser. “I attended a piano performance for CBM in total darkness in Germany and it is something I will never forget.

An estimated 1,7 million people in the rural areas of South Africa live with a disability and 500,000 SA children with disabilities face discrimination when accessing school.

“At CBM South Africa we are driven by our passion and vision, which is to ensure that all persons with disabilities realise their full potential and enjoy access to their rights in an inclusive South Africa, say Dr William Rowland, Chairperson of CBM International, and of CBM SA. 

The event will raise funds for CBM’s programmes in South Africa and provide cataract surgery for disadvantaged people in Limpopo. 

“Many people don’t realise that 80% of blindness can be cured. Cataract surgeries are a very effective way to restore sight, and improve the quality of life of so many people,” Jackson says

The Cape Town Youth Choir’s members who will perform are all younger than 30, and mostly older than 16. The choir has won awards at prestigious concerts around the world, and the programme promises to be a treat for all the senses.


Tickets are available Here


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