Although many locals have expressed dissatisfaction at the lowering of water restrictions – as they feel that this will encourage water wasting – business leaders have expressed that this may help to restore the confidence of international investors in Cape Town.

“We will continue to work hard to get Cape Town and the Western Cape back on traveller’s consideration lists with positive, collaborative marketing efforts,” Tim Harris, CEO of Wesgro said to News24. 

Harris described the lowering of water restrictions as a very important step in re-establishing confidence in investors, and that the lowered water price will greatly help struggling businesses in the Cape – particularly businesses that rely on water.

“We urge companies to continue to use water wisely and to continue the great efforts in building water resilience,” Harris said.

He added that a province such as the Western Cape is essential in ensuring future growth and investment.

Janine Myburgh, the president of the Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that this message must now get out on an international level to revive the country’s film and tourism industries. “Unfortunately, the drought and the Day Zero story made people look elsewhere for holiday destinations and filming locations. They may have liked the alternatives so we will have to fight hard to get the business back,” Myburgh said.

She also added that it is unlikely that the easing of water restrictions would cause residents and businesses to increase their water consumption.

“Businesses and residents have learned to reduce water use and they have invested in water-saving devices, tanks and other measures. All this puts us in a much better position to cope with dry years in the future. This is the message we need to get out into the world,” she added.

The Western Cape Minister of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde, reassured the province’s residents that the Western Cape has ‘redoubled’ its efforts to showcase its business offerings to global investors.

“These efforts have resulted in the destination securing new business which will boost our economy, and create employment for local residents. Much of this investment has come in key focus sectors of our economy, including agri-processing. Our reputation as a competitive place to do business is on the rise.”

Harris added that it should be clear that Cape Town and the Western Cape are open for business.

“There is no doubt that our country is facing challenges, but here in the Cape, we have the right mix of world-class infrastructure, clean government, a growing economy and an unrelenting determination to land investment. Together this makes it possible to achieve results like this.”

In order to understand the details of the new water restriction level, check out the details on Cape Town water restrictions and tariffs lowered. 

Picture: Pixabay


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