Residents of Cape Town will be pleased to find that our water resources are still showing signs of increasing as the end of the rainy season draws closer with an average of 70% is a mere 0.4% away.

While many residents have welcomed the City of Cape Town’s lowering of water restrictions from October, others have remained firm in their water-saving efforts. Residents will then be able to consume 70 litres of water per person per day, instead of the current 50 litres.

The current water levels read at 69.6%, an increase of 0.4% from the reading of 69.1% on 10 September.

More rain has been forecast for the coming days and is predicted to make landfall on Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Hopefully, this will bring the rain the city’s dams need to push past 70%.

Dam levels as of 10/09/2018 (Source: City of Cape Town)
Dam levels as of 13/09/2018 (Source: City of Cape Town)

This time last week, the struggling Theewaterskloof dam passed the 50% mark for the first time since 2017. Since then, its levels have increased by 2%.

If you think this is good news, Capetonians can welcome a lower water tariff and a changing of water restrictions from next month.

Picture: Twitter


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