South Africans were glued to their screens last night as the State of the Nation Address took place. Well, took place only after it was demanded by the opposition parties that the ‘scramblers’ that had been installed in Parliament to jam cellphone reception be shut down. Following that, the representatives of the EFF were thrown out and the DA walked out. Then the proceedings happened. Maybe, just maybe, this is a sign of an unhealthy democracy? Read more here.

This probably belongs here.
This probably belongs here.

In other news, Cape Town is set to become more ‘busker friendly’ as 10 spots in and around the city have been identified as busker-friendly zones. It was reported that doing this will bring more ‘harmony and vibrancy’ to Cape Town. We can only hope that the buskers are actually good musicians. Perhaps an Idols-style reality show is needed to weed out the not-so-talented buskers? Read more here.

And lastly, this is a post-movie reaction shot of those who went to the first Cape Town preview screening of Fifty Shades of Grey, which opens this weekend. They don’t look too impressed do they? I don’t blame them.

This is the reaction after the first Cape Town preview screening of Fifty Shades of Grey. They don't look too impressed. i don't blame them. Image by @48hrsincapetown
Fifty Shades of Disappointment? Image by @48hrsincapetown

In case you missed it, we have two new competitions on the go: a R2 500 Beluga voucher and a trip up Table Mountain on the Cableway are up for grabs.

Have a great Friday 13th! Try not to walk under any ladders.


1 Comment
  • Melanie Slyper
    Melanie Slyper
    February 13, 2015 at 10:33 am


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