The latest World University Rankings by Times Higher Education (THE) has placed The University of Cape Town (UCT) as the number one university in Africa and has increased its overall global ranking.

THE is a London based data provider that aims to showcase university excellence across the world and has the most influential global university ranking. The organisation, functions to produce an annual list of top global universities and has been operating for five decades.

UCT has placed at the top spot for African universities and has moved upwards in the global university ranking ladder for 2019, moving upwards from its previous place of 171 in 2018 to 156 in the newly released list for 2019.

An improvement was shown in the university’s rankings over multiple areas covered by the study. Teaching went up from 30,5 to 31,77, research increased from 36,2 to 41,5, citations went from 87.0 to 87.2 and international outlook was raised from 81,1 to 82,4.

UCT was placed at the top for teaching in South Africa with the University of Stellenbosch coming in second place for its teaching quality and offering.

The local university also stole the first place for a South African university overall with the University of Witwatersrand coming second followed by Stellenbosch University, The University of KwaZulu-Natal and the University of Johannesburg, making up the top five universities in the country.

Cape Town’s university placed at the top of all the core sectors studied in the analyses except for the industry income in which it placed second. The University of Witwatersrand claimed first place for industry income in South Africa which refers to the level of knowledge transfer that occurs at the institution.

Overall the University of South Africa (UNISA) was placed at the last position in the ranking for South African tertiary educational institutions but still make global ranking placement over 1001 position.


THE studies research-intensive based universities and analyses five main characteristics that are: teaching, research, citations referring to research influence, international outlook and industry income which translates as knowledge transfer. University institutions are responsible to submit all the data that is required to the THE World University study.

Our local university continues to make international strides in its offering of educational excellence and will surely move even further up the ranks in years to come.


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