Plans to redevelop the previously owned Ratanga Junction property of 120 000 hectares has been approved by Council and will include various accommodation, commercial and social spaces.

After the closure of the iconic Ratanga Junction theme park on 1 May 2018, the open property space has the opportunity to be redeveloped into an establishment that can contribute to the upcoming developments in the Century City area.

The Rabie Property Group developers intend on establishing residential apartments, retirement accommodation, a hotel, restaurants and office space that will be surrounded by a large body of water in a green-themed area. The development company also plans to ensure that there is a large public park space included in the redevelopments of the property.

Rabie Developers/ Vision Plan for the previous Ratanga Junction property

Currently, the Ratanga Junction property rides are in the process of being decommissioned and demolition of the area will begin at the end of this year.

The Rabie Property Group states that not all rides will be decommissioned and that popular rides once used at the theme park may be accessed in another area but has yet to confirm further details.

“Negotiations to relocate some of the smaller, popular rides to another location within Cape Town are well advanced and an announcement in this regard will be made in due course,” said a statement by Rabie Property Group.

Some of the current landscaping of the area will be retained, but a canal wall will be constructed on the northern side to allow a large body of water to enter the space, allowing for mixed water use of the accommodation services, hotel and park.

Ratanga Junction is known for the teeming vegetation and The Rabie Property Group has ensured that the vegetation will be utilized. Any vegetation that could not be re-use has been donated to various community organisations such as Lentegeur Psychiatric Hospital in Mitchell’s Plain.

Rabie Director, John Chapman is hopeful that the development of the space will encourage and increase social interaction.

“It is envisaged that many of the current water-based sports activities, the weekly Park Run and other community events will utilise this new scenic public realm and a pedestrian bridge will link the current Brideways precinct area to the Ratanga redevelopment over Grand Central,” said Chapman.

The Ratanga Junction train that runs between the old  Ratanga site and Central Park will be retained and will be partly rerouted to travel over the water.

Picture: Twitter


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