The innovative floatation device, named the ‘Pink Rescue Buoy’ created by the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) is a nominee in the International Maritime Rescue Federation Awards for 2018 and has already saved 14 lives since its creation.

The International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF) Awards is held each year and recognises excellence and innovation in maritime search and rescue operations.

The IMRF awards, commends rescue operators around the world for developing search and rescue products and technologies.

There are four categories of the awards

– Outstanding individual contribution to maritime SAR (search and rescue) operation

– Outstanding team contribution to maritime SAR operation

– Innovation and technology in maritime search and rescue

– Outstanding contribution to maritime search and rescue ‘The Vladimire Maksimov award.”

Chief Executive Officer for the IMF, Theresa Crossley, said that the NSRI’s Pink Rescue Buoy has been nominated for the innovation and technology category.

“Congratulations! I am delighted to tell you that the NSRI’s Pink Rescue Buoys have been shortlisted by the panel of judges as a finalist for the Innovation and Technology in Maritime Search and Rescue Award,” she said in a statement.

The winner will be announced at the IMRF Awards dinner held in Horten, Norway on November 8 2018.

Pink Rescue Buoy 

Launched in 2017, the Pink Rescue Buoy provides emergency flotation for those potentially drowning. The device is placed strategically and offers the public clear instructions on how to use it.

The device was created as a safety mechanism for swimmers, NSRI found people regularly swim where there are no lifeguards on duty. The device allows individuals at risk to float and gives rescue services more time to reach those in danger.

“It’s often the simple things that save lives, in this case the simple act of placing a Pink Rescue Buoy in proximity to a water risk,” said NSRI CEO, Dr Cleeve Roberston.

Community involvement is critical to implementing the safety device at beaches across the country.


Picture: Dr Berend Maarsingh, NSRI Knysna/NSRI official site


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