On Saturday October 27, the first ever Downward-Facing-Adopt-A-Dog event will take place, lead by instructor Lee-Ann Elliot. Visiting Yogis can enjoy a one hour gentle flow guided by Tombstone Pete’s live acoustic music.

Locals will have the chance to roll out their mats in the beautiful setting of De Waal Park and practice their flow techniques with the help of man’s best friend.

The yoga class will start at 11.30 am but locals are advised to be there at 11am to get a good spot (and to spend some time with the dogs).

Bring along a yoga mat or towel and invite everyone who is in the market for a new furry friend. The cost of the class is donation-based and all funds raised will go to the Mdzananda Animal Clinic.

For more information contact [email protected] or visit their website on www.mdzananda.co.za



Picture: Supplied


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