Canine Parvovirus continues to plague the Mdzananda Animal Clinic in Khayelitsha, and is the worst epidemic this animal welfare clinic has experienced in over 22 years.

Commonly referred to as Parvo, this highly contagious virus that affects dogs specifically, and is spread through the faeces of an infected dog. Once a dog falls ill with parvo, chances are high that the dog will pass away soon after.

Puppies that have not yet been vaccinated by the age of four months are the most susceptible.

“On average our clinic admits 14 Parvo patients per month. In the past month, we admitted 45 patients,” says Marcelle du Plessis, Fundraising and Communications Manager.

The Animal Welfare Society (AWS) in Phillipi has banded together with the Mdzananda Animal Clinic to curb the spread of the virus. “The number of diseased puppies and dogs being seen by both organisations has sky-rocketed and unless we together with your kind assistance intervene it is very likely that many more dogs will avoidably contract this dreadful disease which causes unimaginable suffering and in many cases the untimely death of the patient,” says Allan Perrins, AWS spokesperson. “Please help us to help those less fortunate and those who show their daily devotion by wagging their tails in appreciation of everything that we do for them – our beloved best friends.”

The price of nursing parvo-infected dogs has also skyrocketed to R1 273 per dog, per day.

Mdzananda Animal Clinic and AWS have set up a BackaBudy, which you can access here.

Animal-lovers or locals looking to support the clinic in any way during this difficult time can contact them at the details below.

[email protected] or 021 367 6001.

For donations to Mdzananda Animal Clinic, Standard Bank, 075595710, Rondebosch, Branch Code: 025009, Reference: Parvo +Your Name

Picture: Pixabay


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