Wednesday 24 September, 11:30 am

Amphitheatre, V&A Waterfront

Revel in South Africa’s diverse and eclectic cultural heritage with a full and varied, free line-up of some of the country’s most talented entertainers this Heritage Day at the V&A Waterfront Amphitheatre.


11 am Screening of Children of  Light
1 pm Hlanganani Marimba Band
1:30 pm Preview of Cape Town Fringe Festival, featuring:
Corne and Twakkie (as MCs)
Gary Thomas
The Phax Trio
The Brothers Streep
4 pm Talisa Symons Quartet performance
5 pm Mpho & Uvimba Band performance
6 pm Repeat screening of Children of Light

Where V&A Amphitheatre
When 24 September 2014 11:30 am
Cost Free
Contact +21 408 7600


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