It’s 9:30 pm and that may seem a little early to be knocking back mescal, but I have a karaoke situation on my hands. You understand. On the off chance somebody gets me in front of that mic, it would be better for everyone if a few brain cells had already kicked it.

It’s Wednesday night at Aces ‘n’ Spades – the good bar where bad things happen. Wednesday at almost any other Mother City spot means easing out of Hump Day and starting a slow roll into the weekend. Wednesday at Aces is a similar concept, except that the slow roll is more like an accelerated hurtle. In a beach buggy. With no seat belts.

And it all starts with rock ‘n’ roll karaoke.

Ever dreamed of taking to the stage and belting out some Springsteen or Patti Smith to crowds of screaming fans? Well, that probably won’t happen. But we can guarantee free tequila for all rock stars and, as the night wears on, plenty of tipsy back-up dancers and shoo-wop girls helping you out on stage.

Comedian Paul Snodgrass is your MC for the evening (hell, he’ll even get things started with a little Joan Jett if you ask nicely). Come early to sign up for your jam, as spots are limited and the mic gets switched off around midnight before the Careless Whisperers of the world bum us all out.

But the party’s not over then – not by a long shot (would that be a double?). Get your tequila-sodden ass on the dance floor for a rock n roll DJ set set to see in the wee hours. It’ll be Phuza Thursday by then, after all.

And remember: it’s only rock ‘n’ roll baby, don’t take it too seriously…

rock 'n' roll karaoke
Do you know what this girl sounds like? Neither do we. But looking the part is half the battle perhaps…
rock 'n' roll karaoke
Don’t bring a knife to a mic fight
rock 'n' roll karaoke
We didn’t say the back-up dancers weren’t also Paul Snodgrass
Yeah, we're not sure either
Yeah, we’re not sure either
rock 'n' roll karaoke
Maybe should have had the Dutch courage first guys
rock 'n' roll karaoke
The amazing Dollvuis giving it horns

 Photography Michelle Simone Hope



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