Tuesday 26 May to Saturday 11 July

Erdmann Contemporary Art Gallery, Gardens 

Dumbfounded by the president’s State of the Nation address, a group of South African comic artists will present their personal responses to SONA at an exhibition entitled ‘Speechless’.

The exhibited comic artworks contain no dialogue, a symbolic gesture that represents South Africans who have been rendered speechless by SONA, and the malaise that surrounds South African politics.

The exhibition also takes a stab at South African democracy, where despite having 20 years of freedom, a state of voicelessness remains.

Living in a country with  11 official languages, Speechless represents a unanimous voice conveyed through visuals.

Where Erdmann Contemporary Art Gallery, 84 Kloof Street, Gardens
When 26 May to 11 July 2015
Cost Free entry
Contact +27 21 422 3278, www.erdmanncontemporary.co.za 
Photography Courtesy


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