From mountain to sea, and everything in between, I think I might just be nature’s number one fan. That being said, its no wonder I fell head-over-heels in love with Cape Town. Paradise ain’t lost, it’s found – and it looks like the Mother City.
Cape Town is not subtle. Her beauty is bold – the kind of raw allurement that leaves observers gob-smacked. I’ve often looked over ridges and felt a sense of truly being at the edge of a map. It’s as if you can walk along the coastline and draw the borders of our province – clearcut.
These contours and bursts of untouched nature have become my kryptonite. And so, a week without salty waves and fynbos-robed cliffs is simply too long for my liking. With the weekend on the horizon, I can barely contain my cravings to get out, along with all of you.
My plans? Perhaps a little evening dip at Kalk Bay to wash off the workweek and a catchup with Kasteelpoort for a hike in the morning. I’ll see you out there!

I’d love to hear what you’ve got on the cards for the weekend. Share your stories with me at [email protected]