As the war against the inferno begins to subside and the adrenaline rush of the past few days falls into a calm, we take a look at Table Mountain and what remains: burnt landscapes and remnants of life that what once was.

Even so, the beauty of our beloved mountain holds firm, offering locals a different kind of attraction. One which is raw and ready for a spurt of new life.

“It was so quiet, so still and empty. There was no one out, like everyone in Cape Town was too scared to venture up because of what they would find,” said Vredehoek resident, Tayla Talmage.

A walk through the aftermath: 

Vredehoek, behind Disa Park

City skies hazy with smoke

Hauntingly beautiful

Our national flower ready to spurt new life

A reiteration of extreme heat: boulders burnt

Lucky survivors

Beauty that remains

Pictures: Tayla Talmage
